Saturday, September 6, 2014

First Week 2014

Dear parents,
We had a great first week! What great kids you all have! Students are learning the class routine and becoming more independent already. After reviewing the preschool registration forms to identify your children's current interests, I noticed that three students love to dig. So, during outside time this week, I provided shovels and invited students to dig in the garden. What did they find? Worms, of course!
The following school day we read two books about worms. The first was a storybook about worms (Superworm by Julia Donaldson). The second was an information book about worms (Wonderful Worms by Linda Glaser). We are learning that we can read for enjoyment, or we can read to get information. Children are learning where they can go to find story books AND information books in our school library.
After reading about worms, each child was invited to tell me something they learned from our information book. I recorded their responses. Samples are below. I loved the student drawings of themselves digging in the garden!
We also had our first art lesson on how to use a paint brush. We practiced keeping the brush hairs straight and strong. We experimented with using different sizes of brushes (small, medium, and large) to paint brown worms. 
Students have already started to bring "science" to school. We got to observe a dead dragonfly and a jar full of slugs and pill bugs. Super cool!
The students really enjoyed playing with their new friends during choice time. Here are a few photos.
A highlight for me was when two students learned to solve a problem like friends. They both wanted to put the lid on the bug jar after finding all the pretend bugs in the drama play center. (They were both upset. One was running away from the other, clinging to the jar.)

Teacher: Whoa! It looks like we have two boys that both want to put the lid on the jar. Is that right?
Boys: (One shakes his head, yes. The other boy has his arms folded with an upset face.)
Teacher: Hmmm...what could we do to solve this problem?
Boy: We could share!
Teacher: What would sharing look like here?
Boy: We could both put the lid on!
(The boys each use a hand and screw on the lid together. Smiles return to their faces.)
Teacher: You solved the problem! Sharing is a good strategy, isn't it? Good idea!

These kinds of problems arise frequently in preschool. I am always thrilled when two students work together to solve their own problem. It builds their confidence and strengthens their relationship. We learned a song about friends this week to the tune of "Are You Sleeping?".
Friends are special. (Friends are special.)
Make a few. (Make a few.)
Smile and say, "How are you?" (Smile and say, "How are you?")
I like you! (I like you!)
When we treat others as special, we show we care. We show respect. At school we are learning to be good friends. Good friends share and help each other. We are all friends at school. Thanks for reading! See you next week!
Teacher April